They are basically a contract between yourself and the Court that placed you on supervision. Your Community Supervision Officer will help you comply with the conditions. You received a copy of the conditions when you were placed on supervision. Although many offenders are given special conditions of community supervision based upon their needs or their risks to the community, the following are standard conditions of probation as provided by the Code of Criminal Procedures:
1. Commit no offense against the laws of this state or any other state or the United States.
2. Avoid injurious or vicious habits. (The use of illegal drugs and alcohol.)
3. Avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful character.
4. Report to the Community Supervision & Corrections Department of Harris County, TX immediately following this hearing, and no less than monthly thereafter, or as scheduled by the court and/or the community supervision officer.
5. Permit the community supervision officer to visit you at your home, place of employment or elsewhere.
6. Abide by the rules and regulations of the HCCSCD.
7. Work faithfully at suitable employment and notify the HCCSCD of any changes in your employment status within 48 hours of such change.
8. Remain within Harris County, Texas or ________ unless the Court or supervision officer authorizes you to leave.
9. Support your dependents as required by law.
10. Submit to random urine specimen analysis.
11. Pay any fines, fees, or restitution assessed through the HCCSCD.