Specialty Courts


Specialty Courts are problem-solving courts that focus on treatment for those with substance abuse or mental health issues or the specific needs of Veterans or sexually exploited persons. Specialty Court programs involve collaboration with other criminal justice and community stakeholders who work together with the common goals of changing the client’s behavior and addressing the root causes of abuse.

Mental Health Court (MHC)

The Mental Health Court program targets high risk/needs felony clients with serious mental health needs and is designed for use by the district court of Harris County as a sentencing alternative to incarceration. The Mental Health Court program follows a progressive sanctions model that involves frequent interactions between the judge and the client, and includes a full treatment team that includes the judge, specially assigned prosecutors and defense attorneys, the community supervision officers (CSO) and treatment providers. The assigned judge is immediately responsive to problems and issues officers have with clients, in line with the research that indicates that quick response to violations is essential. The program addresses violations of clients swiftly and appropriately using a system of graduated sanctions and incentives. Treatment providers and HCCSCD CSOs utilize a cognitive behavioral component where applicable, addressing criminogenic needs, including substance abuse if present. The length of stay varies greatly for mental health court, but typically clients are maintained for the duration of their placement. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Felony level offense 
  • Moderate to High risk on TRAS 
  • Serious mental health issue (Psychotic, Bipolar, Major Depressive Disorders) 
  • Global Assessment Functioning (GAF) level of 50 or below at intake 
  • Significant barriers to less restrictive settings including recent suicide attempts, hospitalizations, or non-compliance with treatment/medication 
  • History of non-compliance with supervision 
  • Minimum of 2 years on supervision 
  • Participating in intensive MH program (e.g., New Start, ACT, FACT, VA) 

* Mental Health Court referrals will need to be staffed with MH Court staff prior to making the recommendation. 

Drug Court

Drug Courts are designed to reduce drug usage and recidivism using a combination of early identification of clients with substance abuse issues, supervised treatment and judicial monitoring. Clients work through a phase system, which includes a highly structured treatment program. There are multiple contacts each week with the supervision officer, and court visits are also part of the program. Clients progress to less frequent contact and eventually into an aftercare program. Regular contact with treatment providers is an important component of the program, and action is taken immediately if signs of relapse become apparent. Length of stay ranges from eighteen months to five years or more. 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Moderate to high risk 
  • Significant substance abuse/dependency history 
  • Failed previous community based treatment attempts 
  • Significant barriers to being successful at less intensive interventions 

DWI Court

The purpose of the DWI court is to provide an intensive intervention to misdemeanor DWI clients who at significant risk to reoffend. The focus of the DWI court is to address criminal thinking as well as prosocial skills to help clients maintain a sober lifestyle and to eliminate impaired driving. The DWI court is based on a CBT/Social Learning model in which client’s thoughts, feelings, and actions are addressed systematically as well as a very structured response to both positive and unhealthy behavior. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Misdemeanors only 
  • Low-Moderate to high risk clients 
  • High risk DWI identified by DWI Trailer 
  • Substance abuse or dependency criteria 
  • Significant barriers to general/DUI caseloads 

Veterans Court (Felony)

The purpose of the Veterans Court is to provide interventions to those placed on supervision who have been involved in military service. Many servicemen and women return to the community and face significant barriers. This court is designed to minimize the barriers and help these clients be successful in transitioning to a prosocial lifestyle. The court works in direct connection with the Veterans Administration to ensure that the clients are receiving the appropriate services. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Currently active duty, reserves or National Guard or discharged with an honorable or general discharge 
  • Pending felony offense—excluding 3G offenses other than aggravated assault 
  • Legal resident or US citizen and living in Harris County or a contiguous county 
  • Mental health disorder and/or substance abuse issue that impacted the offense 
  • Eligible for Veterans Administration services 

* Veterans Court referrals will need to be staffed with Veterans Court staff prior to making the recommendation.

Veterans Court (Misdemeanor)

The purpose of the Veterans Court is to provide interventions to those placed on supervision who have been involved in military service. Many servicemen and women return to the community and face significant barriers. This court is designed to minimize the barriers and help these clients be successful in transitioning to a prosocial lifestyle. The court works in direct connection with the Veteran’s Administration to ensure that the clients are receiving the appropriate services. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Currently active duty, reserves or National Guard or discharged with an honorable or general discharge 
  • Pending misdemeanor offense (must be approved by District Attorney’s Office) 
  • Legal resident or US citizen and living in Harris County 
  • Criminal behavior is service connected (to be determined by VA) 
  • Eligible for Veterans Administration services 

* Staffed with HCCSCD Veterans Court Supervisor