Residential Services


The Harris County Residential Treatment Center is designed to serve clients who are in need of intensive, out of home placement to address a broad range of criminogenic needs including substance abuse, criminal attitudes, criminal peers, criminal personality characteristics, employment / education, and family issues.

Harris County Residential Treatment Center

The Harris County Residential Treatment Center (HCRTC) is a residential program designed to serve clients who are in need of intensive, out of home placement to address a broad range of criminogenic needs including substance abuse, criminal attitudes, criminal peers, criminal personality characteristics, employment/education, and family issues. The program will be split into different tracks depending on gender, risk, and level of substance use. Males and females will be split into different living environments as well as low/moderate risk clients will be separated programmatically from high risk clients. Those clients who are higher risk will receive upwards to 300 hours of direct treatment while moderate risk clients will receive about 200 hours, and low-moderate will receive approximately 100 hours of treatment. The HCRTC includes SATF, YMAC, and WHO-A. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Low-Moderate to High risk on the TRAS
  • Moderate to high risk on peers, attitudes, family, or substance abuse
  • Substance use to dependence issues
  • 17 and older
  • Limited mental health issues/stabilized without significant psychiatric services
  • Significant barriers to remaining sober/crime free in the community 

Click here for information regarding new referrals to the HCCSCD Residential Treatment Center. 

Click here for information concerning questions about a loved one who is participating in the HCCSCD Residential Treatment Center.

Dual Diagnosis Residential Program

This program is a residential program for male and female clients of all age groups who have been identified as having a significant mental health impairment. The DDRP program provides six month residential substance abuse treatment integrated with mental health treatment services to clients identified with co-occurring mental health/substance abuse through the CAC. The clients participate in mental health counseling on an individual and group basis to address their co-occurring disorders. A Booster Track is available to clients who upon release struggle in the transition and need a short-term intervention. Aftercare services will provided for all clients. Upon completion of the MH Residential Program cases will be placed in the Mental Health Initiative Specialized Caseloads. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Low-Moderate to high risk on the TRAS 
  • Significant mental health issue (Major Depression, Psychotic Disorders, Bipolar Disorders) 
  • High Substance abuse or dependency issues as identified on the TRAS or TRAS Trailers 
  • Global Assessment Functioning (GAF) level of 50 or below 
  • Significant barriers to maintaining stability in the community

Click here for information regarding new referrals to the HCCSCD DDRP Program.

Click here for information concerning questions about a loved one who is participating in the HCCSCD DDRP Program.

Women Helping Ourselves (WHO) - (Santa Maria Facility)

The Women Helping Ourselves residential program partners with an outside agency under contract with HCCSCD to provide long term residential treatment programming for women of all ages to address women’s special needs or problems. The program lasts between six and twelve months, followed by a six month reintegration phase of intensive supervision in the community. The residential phase of the program is designed to assist clients in changing antisocial attitudes, feelings, peer associations and behavior by promoting identification with anti-criminal role models and providing skills training in self-control and self-management through behavioral, cognitive, and social learning principles programs. The reintegration phase is designed to reinforce that which has been learned and to provide support for the women as they incorporate new ways of thinking into their lives. 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Females 
  • 17 years of age or older 
  • Pregnant, newborn infants, or significant medical conditions 
  • And meet criteria for one of the following: 
    • Substance abuse or dependency characteristics 
    • Unable to maintain sobriety/prosocial lifestyle in a community setting

Click here for information regarding new referrals to SATF, YMAC, and WHOA

Click here for information concerning questions about a loved one who is participate in SATF.YMAC.WHOA.

Contract Community Residential Programs

The HCCSCD will contract with community substance abuse residential programs to provide short-term residential interventions for clients on supervision. These programs will provide IOP and SOP services in addition to relapse prevention and aftercare. HCCSCD will monitor these contracts to ensure that services are based on evidence-based models. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Substance abuse or dependency characteristics 
  • Needs short-term residential services 
  • Unable to maintain sobriety in a community setting 
  • Low/Moderate risk—high risk on case-by-case basis