Fields Services


The Harris County Community Supervision and Corrections Department has four regional reporting sites that offer a variety of services to supervise clients.  Client assignments to the locations are generally based on their residence zip code and include felons, misdemeanants and those being supervised for other counties and states. All officers are trained to assess an individual's risk and needs and refer them to appropriate programs or resources, thus increasing the client's chances for successful rehabilitation. The officers are encouraged to use motivational interviewing techniques in order to engage the clients in positive thinking. 

Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility (SAFPF) Aftercare Caseloads

Specialized supervision is provided for clients who have completed the Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facilities (operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice-Correctional Institutional Division) and been released to community supervision. These caseloads offer a type of step-down, phase supervision to transition clients from residential treatment into traditional case management. Supervision of the SAFPF client requires continual monitoring for signs of relapse exhibited by drug/alcohol clients. Supervision officers coordinate relapse prevention services with the clients’ treatment providers. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Completed SAFPF residential programming 
  • Returned to Harris County

Intensive Treatment Caseloads (Substance Abuse Continuum Care and CTI-J/M)

This program provides specialized supervision for clients whom are in need of intensive treatment services. CSOs are trained in assisting clients in reducing barriers to services including but not limited to addressing low motivation, transportation, problem solving deficits and application of new skills in the community. Responses to technical violations have immediate consequences, as determined by the staff and courts. The length of stay will range from three months to twenty-four months depending on the need of the client. Appropriate referrals would pose significant problems to standard caseloads. Clients will be placed with a CSO that is trained specifically for the type of issues the client presents. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Low-Moderate to high risk 
  • Combination of moderate and high risk indicators 
    • Substance abuse 
    • Violent 
    • Mental Health 
    • Peers 
    • Personality factors 
    • Attitudes, Values and Beliefs 
    • Family 
  • Responsivity factors 
    • Motivation 
    • Transportation 
    • Cognitive functioning 
    • History of non-compliance 

Change Through Intervention (CTI)

This program provides specialized supervision for clients whom are in need of intensive treatment services. CSOs are trained in assisting clients in reducing barriers to services including but not limited to addressing low motivation, transportation, problem solving deficits and application of new skills in the community. Responses to technical violations have immediate consequences, as determined by the staff and courts. The length of stay will range from three months to twenty-four months depending on the need of the client. Appropriate referrals would pose significant problems to standard caseloads. Clients will be placed with a CSO that is trained specifically for the type of issues the client presents. 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Low-Moderate to high risk 
  • Combination of moderate and high risk indicators 
    • Substance abuse 
    • Violent 
    • Mental Health 
    • Peers 
    • Personality factors 
    • Attitudes, Values and Beliefs 
    • Family 
  • Responsivity factors 
    • Motivation 
    • Transportation 
    • Cognitive functioning 
    • History of non-compliance

Substance Abuse Continuum Care

Specialized supervision is provided for clients who have completed the Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facilities (operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice-Correctional Institutional Division) and been released to community supervision. These caseloads offer a type of step-down, phase supervision to transition clients from residential treatment into traditional case management. Supervision of the SAFPF client requires continual monitoring for signs of relapse exhibited by drug/alcohol clients. Supervision officers coordinate relapse prevention services with the clients’ treatment providers. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Completed SAFPF residential programming 
  • Returned to Harris County 

Mental Health Initiative Specialized Caseload

These caseloads are designed to provide close, specialized supervision and support to clients with significant mental health issues. These clients will be on wraparound caseloads with MHMRA involvement. Clients will receive intensive case management services through the HCCSCD and MHMRA.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Serious mental health diagnosis (Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Psychotic Disorder) or GAF below 50 
  • MHMRA/New Start Client where appropriate 
  • NGRI cases are appropriate for MHI 
  • GAF of 50 or below 

Mental Health Regular Specialized Caseload

Mental Health Regular Specialized Caseloads serve a three-fold purpose: 1) as a gradual transition for those that have achieved a level of mental stability and can now be transitioned from the Mental Health Initiative caseload; (2) as a program to supervise those clients that have a mental health diagnosis that is not within the required criteria for the Mental Health Initiative caseload, but who would have trouble maintaining compliance with region supervision; and. (3) as a program for supervision of the developmentally disabled client. The caseloads are designed to provide close supervision of clients who have special needs due to mental illness. Individualized supervision plans are developed, and community resources are utilized to provide treatment, education and vocational training/job placement. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Diagnosed mental health issue or cognitive-delay that interferes with daily functioning 
  • Barriers to maintaining on a general caseload 
  • Moderate to high risk 

Community Partnership Program

The purpose of this program is to help those clients who are identified through the assessment process as having limited ties to the community connect with local organizations to increase the engagement and self-sufficiency of the clients. Clients will benefit from this program by learning effective communication, employment, and educational skills that will allow them to be successful upon completion. The length of the program varies based on the needs and progress of the client. 

Eligibility criteria: 

  • Low to moderate risk 
  • Deficits in social support networks/community ties 

Sex Offender Unit

The Sex Offender Unit provides supervision of sex offenders in accordance with legislative mandates 

as well as the requirements established by the courts. This supervision includes monitoring sex offender registration, arranging for conduction of DNA blood draws, monitoring child safety zones and compliance with these zones, arranging for polygraph examination and verifying attendance in sex offender treatment programs. The unit includes specialized caseloads for the mentally impaired sex offender as a collaborative effort with the Mental Health and Mental Retardation Authority of Harris County (MHMRA). An active Sex Offender Interagency Council is an outgrowth of this program and provides an opportunity for representatives from various community agencies to interface and share information about the sex offender population. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Must be on supervision for a sex offense 
  • Must be 17 years of age or older

Domestic Violence Specialized Caseload

These caseloads provide specialized supervision to perpetrators of domestic violence and to survivors of domestic violence who have committed an offense where circumstances were determined by having been a victim in an abusive relationship. Supervision officers work in collaboration with community agencies, law enforcement and the public to provide outreach to family violence issues. Clients are supervised according to the specific treatment needs and compliance requirements related to their offenses. The length of stay for this program can vary but generally ranges from three to twelve months. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Placed on supervision for a domestic violence offense 

High Risk DWI Specialized Caseloads

This caseload is designed to provide intensive supervision to the highest risk clients who have a current DWI offense. Clients on this caseload will be monitored for compliance of any external alcohol/drug monitoring equipment ordered. In addition, officers in this unit are specially trained in supervising hardcore drunk drivers. 

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Placed on supervision for DWI 
  • High risk for subsequent DWI or significant risk to community 
  • External monitoring devices ordered at intake 

Electronic Monitoring Program

This program is designed to coordinate the provision of supervision of clients who are court-ordered to participate in electronic monitoring. If the client is participating in a specialized caseload, that officer monitors the client. Supervising officers follow the conditions of supervision ordered by the Court and determine a daily schedule that is strictly enforced. This type of monitoring affords the officer the ability to follow the Court’s order to ensure the client is where he is supposed to be, at the time he is supposed to be there. The program also allows a court to see all passive activities (entries and exits) for a client on a daily basis, if needed. Violations or deviations to the schedule assigned by the Court are reported to the Court as they occur.